Donor Privacy Policy

Our Commitment to Our Donors

Bread of the Mighty Food Bank will not sell, share or trade our donors’ names or personal information with any other entity, nor send mailings to our donors on behalf of other organizations.
This policy applies to all information received by Bread of the Mighty Food Bank, both online and offline, on any Platform (‘Platform’, includes the Bread of the Mighty Food Bank’s website and mobile applications), as well as any electronic, written, or oral communications.
To the extent any donations are processed through a third-party service provider, our donors’ information will only be used for purposes necessary to process the donation.

1.5 Whistleblower Policy

If any employee reasonably believes that some policy, practice or activity of Bread of the Mighty Food Bank is in violation of law, or a clear mandate or public policy, that employee must file a written complaint with the Executive Director or the Board President. Bread of the Mighty Food Bank will not retaliate against an employee, who in good faith, has made a protest or raised a complaint against some practice of Bread of the Mighty Food Bank, or of another individual or entity with whom Bread of the Mighty Food Bank has a business relationship, or on the basis of a reasonable belief that the practice is in violation of law, or a clear mandate of public policy. Bread of the Mighty Food Bank also will not retaliate against employees who disclose or threaten to disclose to a supervisor or a public body, any activity, policy or practice of Bread of the Mighty Food Bank that the employee believes is in violation of a law, or a rule or regulation mandated pursuant to law or is in violation of a clear mandate or public policy concerning the health, safety, welfare, or protection of the environment. An employee is protected from retaliation only of he or she brings alleged activity, policy, or practice to the attention of Bread of the Mighty Food Bank and provides Bread of the Mighty Food Bank with a reasonable opportunity to investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity.

Feeding America Safety Standards

Feeding America safety standards require that anyone entering our warehouse space must wear shoes that cover toes and feet.  This includes staff, volunteers and agency staff.  This further includes agency shoppers in the shopping area. Anyone not wearing protective shoes will be asked to leave the warehouse immediately. Volunteers must be notified prior to arrival at the Food Bank of the protective footwear requirement.  They will not be allowed to volunteer either in the warehouse or shopping area without foot protection. Visitors may be escorted through the building without protective shoes, but must be escorted.


In accordance with federal law and the U.S. Department of Acriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis or race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Bread of the Mighty Food Bank, and USDA is an Equal Opportunity Employer. It is the policy of Bread of the Mighty Food Bank to provide opportunity in employment for all persons; to prohibit discrimination in employment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age or disability and to promote the full realization of equal employment opportunity through a positive, continuing policy and practice.  To file a complaint of discrimination, write USA Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave SW, Washington DC 20250-9410 or call 866-632-9992 or 202-401-0216 (TDD).

Bread of the Mighty Food Bank is supported in part by the Alachua County Community Agency Partnership Program (CAPP).